
What Animals Have A Symbiotic Relationship With Other Animals

Examples of Symbiosis: Types of Relationships in Nature

Symbiosis comes from ii Greek words that mean "with" and "living." It describes an ecological human relationship between two organisms from different species that is sometimes, just not always, beneficial to both parties. Go on reading to learn about the different types of symbiosis and how they provide residual in various ecosystems around the world.

clownfish and anemone symbiosis example clownfish and anemone symbiosis example

Types of Symbiosis

There are several kinds of symbiosis to consider when looking for symbiosis examples. Each blazon is frequently found in a habitat, but some are more common than others. The most common types of symbiosis include:

  • mutualism - a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship
  • commensalism - a one-sided symbiotic relationship
  • parasitism - one species lives on, in or with a host species
  • competition - relationship in which organisms compete for resources
  • predation and herbivory - symbiosis where one organism feeds on another

These symbiotic relationships are different based on which species benefits the virtually and whether they can alive without each other. However, each one allows an ecosystem to reach a sustainable residual.


When people employ the word symbiosis, they're usually talking almost a mutualistic symbiotic relationship. Mutualism is a close, long-lasting human relationship where both parties do good. Organisms can use other organisms for cleaning, protection or gathering food. In some mutualistic relationships, the organisms can't survive without each other.

Some examples of mutualism in nature include:

  • Cleaner wrasse live in "cleaning stations" in a reef. They remove and swallow parasites, dead tissue and mucous from reef fish, which helps reef fish stay healthy.
  • Clownfish secrete a substance that protects them against the sting of sea anemones. They can pass through anemone tentacles, which keeps them prophylactic from predators. Clownfish attract other fish which the anemones can catch and eat.
  • When a fruit bat eats the fruit from a fig tree, it eats the seeds as well. These seeds are dispersed through the bat's droppings.
  • Bees gather nectar from flowers, which they make into food. Pollen rubs onto their bodies every bit they collect the nectar, and the pollen then falls off into the next flower, which pollinates information technology.
  • Humans accept a mutualistic relationship with microorganisms, primarily bacteria, in their digestive tract. Bacteria aid in digestion and regulate the intestinal environs, and in return, they feed off of the food humans eat.


Commensalism is a one-sided relationship where 1 of the organisms benefits greatly from the symbiosis. The other is non helped, just it is not harmed or damaged from the relationship either. In some of these commensalism relationships, the organism that is reaping the benefit will use the other for protection or transportation.

Examples of commensalism in habitats include:

  • The cattle egret, a short bird constitute foraging in cattle herds, eats insects that take been disturbed when the cattle fodder. Information technology doesn't affect the cattle, but the cattle egret depends on this food source.
  • A spider uses a tree to build its web. The tree is not impacted just the spider needs the tree for shelter and condom.
  • Remora fish, a type of suckerfish, attach themselves to sharks and other big fish. They detach when the larger fish feeds and eat the leftover scraps.
  • Tiny pseudoscorpions hitchhike on larger insects to get from place to place. The insect is not harmed, but pseudoscorpions would not exist able to travel without this commensalistic human relationship.
  • Many weeds create spiky burrs that adhere to an animal'due south hair or fur. As the beast travels, these burrs autumn off, successfully dispersing the institute's seeds.


In parasitism, one organism benefits from the relationship at the expense of the other. The parasitic organism may live inside another organism'due south torso (endoparasitism) or on its surface (ectoparasitism). The host species frequently weakens and sometimes dies, only in well-nigh cases, the parasite needs it to stay alive so information technology can go on feeding on information technology.

Examples of parasitic symbiosis include:

  • Fleas and mosquitoes feed on claret from other organisms. In this type of parasitic relationship, the host needs to stay alive and it is not damaged greatly.
  • Barnacles adhere to the bodies of whales. While virtually whale barnacles accept mutualistic relationships with whales, some barnacles wearisome the whale downwardly while pond, which does negatively affect the whale.
  • Tapeworms live in the small intestines of animals. They eat the animal'south partially digested food, which deprives the host of some food and nourishment.
  • Caput lice live on small amounts of blood in the scalp. The host human feels itchiness in their hair as the lice bite and move around.
  • Parasitoid wasps begin their lives equally eggs that are laid in or other living insects. When they hatch, the larvae feed on the body of the other insect until the host insect dies.


Many species compete for the same resource in an ecosystem, which is called competition symbiosis. It may seem like this type of relationship is the opposite of symbiosis, but ecosystems depend on a balance of different species being present. If one species has an affluence of resources and another doesn't, both species could suffer and possibly die out.

Examples of competition symbiosis include:

  • Sea sponges and coral compete for nutrient and marine resources. If the sea sponges have sole access to the resources, they will be successful – but the coral will dice. A lack of coral negatively affects the reef, which means that sea sponges could die.
  • Jackals and pocket-size animals share the aforementioned h2o supply. If the jackals take over a watering hole and restrict other animals from accessing information technology, the other animals will either die or move to a new location, taking the jackals' food supply with them.
  • Both wolves and bears hunt the same prey in their habitats. But if the bears swallow all the prey in the area, the wolves will die off, and the habitat will exist imbalanced.

Predation and Herbivory

Predation is the process past which one organism feeds on another, typically one animal eating some other animal. Herbivory relationships involve an animal eating part or all of a plant.

It may seem like predation is not an example of symbiosis because only one organism survives the see. However, without predation, other species would become too numerous and resources would go source. Predatory (or even herbivory) animals never impale every member of the prey species unless the symbiotic relationship is out of balance.

For example:

  • A lion stalks and kills a gazelle, which makes the herd smaller. The herd now has fewer animals with which to share resources, and each surviving gazelle is stronger as a result.
  • Sheep graze on just enough grass to keep themselves fed. Sunlight and water is more evenly distributed through the rest of the grass, allowing it to grow.
  • Sea otters consume a variety of body of water creatures, including sea stars, clams and octopuses. Each of these animals becomes stronger as a outcome of predation, which protects them from other animals.

The Circle of Life

Whether it'due south a mutually beneficial relationship, a parasitic relationship or a competitive relationship, symbiosis is an of import role of our natural world. Without symbiosis in nature, many ecosystems would endure and cease to flourish. Bank check out these examples of food bondage in different ecosystems to see more about predation relationships. You can also explore heterotroph examples in food chains to learn more about how dissimilar organisms sustain themselves.


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